Chiropractic Testimonials

"I was having numbness in my arms that had been going on for weeks. I couldn’t feel my hands. My arms and hands were constantly numb. The problem was so severe that I wasn’t able to sleep at night."
"After a few weeks of chiropractic care, I started to notice some improvement. I knew that I was in the right hands with my care. Now my numbness is completely gone and I can sleep much better at night!
I understand how important it is to have your spine checked and aligned. My family is under care and we are all very healthy!
My body is strong because of chiropractic care. Keeping your body functioning as strong as possible at all times, regardless of symptoms, is the best prevention there is!"
- Justin

"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I was having sciatica. It was a struggle to sit or drive for an extended period of time. Sleeping was tough as well. It tremendously affected me at work because I had to sit and drive a lot."
"At first I tried medications and physical therapy. They would help me temporarily, but the pain would come back.
Chiropractic care has helped me greatly. I have improved and progressed over the months. The aggravation and pain is not as consistent and only comes and goes occasionally now.
I have been able to decrease medication use. Chiropractic care has improved my quality of life very much. I am healthier than I was a year ago. I was a little hesitant about chiropractic care at the beginning, but I’m so glad that I came here."
- Donnie

"After a cruise I developed a disorder of my body’s balancing (vestibular) system. It caused headaches, back and neck pain, and the sensation that I was constantly being rocked on a boat."
"I was unable to walk. I was constantly stressed and was having trouble with my vision. I dried medication and physical therapy, but that only seemed to make the problem worse.
I waited three months before I finally tried chiropractic care. My headaches and back pain are now gone. I have been able to decrease mediation use and my quality of life has improved!
I finally got off the boat after 6 weeks under chiropractic care!"
- Michelle

"I was having weekly migraines that lasted 1-2 days. I also had pain in my low back that would shoot down both of my legs. I was sick all of the time and took antibiotics every 6-8 weeks."
"I couldn’t participate in life when I had a migraine. I couldn’t hike like I wanted to. Cleaning the house was also hard. At first I tried medications and physical therapy, but nothing got better.
Since starting chiropractic care, I’m off all migraine medications, and I no longer have back pain. I haven’t had a migraine or taken an antibiotic since my first month of care. I have stopped 5 daily medications not including antibiotics! I have my life back. I can’t believe how much it helped with my immunity. I feel better now than I did when I was 18!"
- Jheri

"Before I came to Scoles Family Chiropractic, I was having severe low back pain. The doctor told me that I had spinal stenosis. It was so sever, I had trouble walking and sitting. The problem had been going on for years. It affected all aspects of my daily life."
"I have been under care for 6 months now and I am able to walk much better as well as exercise. I have been able to reduce the amount of Ibuprofen that I was taking. I can play with my kids again! I am a firm believer that chiropractic adjustments help relieve pain and discomfort. It does take time to heal from years of being out of alignment.
I was contemplating surgery for my condition before I started chiropractic care, but I did not want to do something that could impair my ability to have a normal life. Chiropractic was my last hope to feeling pain-free and having more mobility!"
- Vonna

"I was having low back pain because of my poor posture and improper lifting techniques that started a few months before I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic. It was often painful to sit for long periods of time."
"It also made it difficult to perform certain exercises. I tried using a foam roller and doing hip mobility drills, but only saw minimal results.
I no longer have any pain whatsoever in my back. It only took me a couple of months before I noticed my progress. From an athletic stand point, I am finally able to train uninhibited. I am in the best shape of my life now!
Chiropractic care has improved my quality of life. I am healthier now than I was a year ago, and I am continuing to get better!"
- Derek

"I was in a car accident in 2014, which caused migraines, headaches, and low back pain. I couldn’t concentrate or stand for long periods of time. I would have to call in sick a lot for work. I was on muscle relaxers, but they made me sleepy all of the time."
"I noticed a difference in my health after the very first adjustment! I have not had a migraine since starting chiropractic care, and my headaches have decreased tremendously. I have been able to decrease medication and increase my quality of life! I was a little hesitant about chiropractic care before, but it has helped me a lot since I started going!"
- Kristy

"My hands would constantly hurt before I came to Scoles Family Chiropractic. I have caned chairs for years, so I had severe thumb pain. It was constantly painful to pick things up. Pretty much everything that involved using my hands was painful. I tried Asprin and hand wraps. The medication was a temporary relief, but the pain would come back."
"Not only do my hands not hurt now, but my balance, sleeping, and energy levels have improved remarkable. I thought these problems were age-related, but they were actually because of spinal misalignments.
I noticed progress after two weeks of care. I don’t take Asprin anymore! I’m just sorry that I waited so long to come in!"
- Anne

"I came to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I was having low back pain. The problem started years ago, and it affected my daily life a lot. I tried medications, but I never got good results."
"After one month of care I was able to play golf again. I can walk without pain now, and I was even able to decrease my medication!
Chiropractic care has improved my quality of life, and I am healthier than I was a year ago. I no longer have any complaints. I was hesitant about chiropractic care before I started, but I am so glad that I came now!"
- Rodney

"In 2011 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that caused me to have vertigo. I couldn’t walk straight nor move around much. My head felt like it was floating whenever I bent over or got up from the couch. I fell down a lot."
"When I came to Scoles Family Chiropractic they talked about how the nervous system controlled everything in the body. I only came to them for my back pain because I didn’t believe that they could help my vertigo. I thought I would be like this forever.
My back pain starting getting better, and then all of a sudden I noticed that at times my head was not floating and I was walking somewhat normal. I continued treatment, and after four weeks I noticed that my vertigo was gone. To me, this is a miracle!
I don’t fall over when I bend down, my low back pain is much better, and I have been able to decrease my medication usage. I can do things I couldn’t do before!"
- Charlotte

"I originally started coming into Scoles Family Chiropractic because I was having severe shoulder pain and was having trouble reaching above my head. As a painter, that is very important. Any time that I stretched or tried to put my belt on the shoulder pain would flare up."
"I have been coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic for only a month, and I have noticed tremendous improvements. I can now reach over my head and putting my seat belt on doesn’t give me any trouble. The numbness and tingling that I had going down my arm is now totally gone!"
- Jim

"For weeks I was having severe headaches. I even occasionally had migraines. The pain was so severe that I did not feel like doing anything other than trying to sleep to make the pain go away."
"Since I started chiropractic care at Scoles Family Chiropractic, my headaches and migraines are much better! I can even sleep better!
Because I feel better physically, that in turn makes my emotional and spiritual health more positive.
I am now more able to be myself. I am now even able to participate in more family activities than I was before."
- Terrie

"Hi! My name is Reid and I am 8 years old. I have had chronic ear infections for 5 years. I was constantly on antibiotics since the infection would always return. I missed a lot of school. I even got tubes put in my ears, which is major surgery!"
"My mom brought me to Scoles Family Chiropractic to get specific scientific adjustments on my spine. Now I don’t have any more ear infections, and the tubes are out! It only took a few weeks to see results and to get me off the antibiotics!
I am so happy I came to Scoles!"
- Reid

"I had a car accident around 6 years and it caused me to have several issues. I had trouble lifting my arms to comb my hair, it was painful to turn my neck when driving, and I could not lie down in bed due to neck stiffness."
"I tried medication and physical therapy, but they only gave me temporary relief. The adjustments I received at at Scoles Family Chiropractic relieved my neck and shoulder stiffness. I do not have any other symptoms when I get regular adjustments!"
- Mona

"I experienced neck pain for years before I began care at Scoles Family Chiropractic. My pain was so severe that it interrupted my sleep, and I had pain while sitting and driving. Since staring chiropractic care I can drive and sit comfortably for longer periods of time. I also am able to sleep well, which gives me energy for my days."
- Vicky

"For about 20 years I had low back pain, sciatic pain running into my legs, and neck pain. Stretches were beneficial but nothing really made the pain diminish. After about 2-3 weeks of adjustments I saw progress!"
"I am now relatively pain free! If my pain flares an extra treatment takes care of it! Chiropractic has improved my quality of life! I am now able to be more active!"
- Lauryi

"For years I had neck and love back pain that would run down my leg. The neck pain prevented me from turning my head fully. When I sat down, I had numbness in my legs and pain when standing up."
"Since I’ve been under chiropractic care, I now have less pain and enjoy physical activity a lot more. I can bend over and pick things up off the floor now! I also have less gut trouble. I now know that self healing is very possible!"
- Lorena

"In 2016 I began to be in constant pain. I had sciatic pain, pain in my neck, pain in my arms, my neck, headaches, TMJ, and even low back pain. To get relief I used pain medicine and anti-inflammatory drugs. After about a month of care I felt so much better!"
"I have not had a headache since I started. My pain for the most part is gone and I can turn my neck and pick up my grand kids! I haven’t had to use any medicine or anti-inflammatory drugs since starting care! I am much healthier now since starting care."
- Patty

"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I had developed pain in my left shoulder blade. The condition lasted for weeks. Because of the pain, it was hard to concentrate at times and also sleep. I basically felt miserable."
"After coming in for regular adjustments, my shoulder blade pain is now gone! I have also been able to reduce my aspirin intake. If someone were to ask how I would describe my results with chiropractic care, I would tell them that if you don’t have to think about pain then it is a good day. When you’re pain free, it definitely boosts your spirits and improves emotional health. I am now able to enjoy the time I spend with family!"
- Lane

"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I had pain in my lower back and hip. I had the problem for years and sometimes it would get so severe that I would have to get medical attention. In the past, I could usually get through the pain, but eventually it became unbearable."
"After receiving regular adjustments, I was able to eliminate my pain medicine. Chiropractic has also benefited my family because my wife appreciates that I’m not restricted around the house. I tell others that they should go to Scoles and let them work their magic!"
- Drew

"For almost twenty years I had pain in my feet, legs, and back. The pain was so severe that I could hardly walk, and it really affected my ability to get around. Since being under care, I feel better all over. I still have spots that are sore every once in a while, but have been able to decrease my use of Tylenol. I even went Black Friday shopping and was able to shop for hours pain free!"
- Cindy

"When I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic I was having overall pain in my back, neck stiffness, and pain down my leg. I had dealt with symptoms for years. The pain prevented me from attempting things. After coming in for a while, I have less pain and feel much better! I am also able to take less tylenol and aspirin."
- David

"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I had back and hip pain. Occasionally, my back pain was so bad that I had to lie on the floor for a few minutes until it stopped hurting. The back pain was the worst part. I would get it once every 1-2 weeks and it was nearly crippling. It also made it hard to sit for extended periods of time."
"I’ve learned that the central nervous system and spine can affect every single bodily function and that if something is off, it can affect my health even if there isn’t necessarily pain or presenting a symptom that I’m aware of.
Since starting chiropractic care, my hip discomfort has been much more infrequent, probably only once every 1-2 months. It was around once per week prior to coming in. The bad, crippling back pain that used to come about every 2 weeks has only happened twice in the last 4 months since being under chiropractic care.
My lack of back pain allows me to be more present to help my wife with our 1 year old since my back pain doesn’t stop me from helping.
I would tell others that every bodily function is connected to the central nervous system. Therefore, if your spine isn’t properly aligned, you aren’t functioning at 100% health regardless of symptoms or not. Chiropractic care is a way of preventing health issues and curing issues you may have. You should try chiropractic care first before resorting to medication for many issues."
- Bradley

"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I had constant neck and shoulder pain that had been going on for years. Since starting care, I have been able to eliminate all pain medicine. I have learned that when the body is aligned correctly, it can heal and keep it’s systems functioning properly."
"Healing comes from God, but he expects us to care for our body, 'our temple.'
I now have more pain free days since starting care. I have also learned how wonderful God’s design for our body is. I feel emotionally more healthy because I have more pain free days and that means less stress and fewer mood swings.
I would tell others that having your body aligned correctly helps it function at its best."
- Sonya

"When I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic I had pain in my hip and down my leg. I would also experience occasional numbness in my leg. My knees were sore and I also had neck pain and stiffness."
"I had trouble sitting down and getting back up. Standing and walking were also a little difficult because of the leg pain. I tried massage and it would give me some relief but it wasn’t consistent.
Now that I receive regular adjustments, I am feeling much better. Walking, sitting, and standing is improving and the pain is subsiding. I was also able to decrease medication since I’m feeling better.
Chiropractic has improved my quality of life enormously! I was a little hesitant about starting care, but after reading the mission statement at Scoles, I was very anxious to begin care!"
- Delores

"For years I had chronic neck and shoulder pain. I couldn’t travel or sleep and had to use special pillows. Since getting adjusted at Scoles I have seen about 50-70% improvement! I have learned the God has given us everything we need to thrive and heal. I believe chiropractic is a great way to heal yourself naturally."
- Angela

"I had allergies and asthma from childhood into early adulthood. This would affect my daily life when playing outside, exercising outdoors, during allergy seasons. My breathing, lungs and sinuses all would suffer."
"I tried medication first. I tried allergy medications, but it never really took care of my problem.
Chiropractic has made an undeniable positive impact on my health! It also has enlightened me on how the human body was designed to heal itself, as well as the spine‘s vital role in this design.
It did take around a year before I noticed any progress. I no longer take any allergy medications and rarely need to use my inhaler.
Chiropractic has improved the quality of my life because I feel empowered with the knowledge I know have and I feel healthier overall.
I recently had a baby, and my pregnancy was very smooth. I feel that chiropractic played a part in this as well. I was skeptical at first, but now I see how beneficial chiropractic really is."
- Jessica

"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I had back pain that had been bothering me for several months. I had pain sitting down and while trying to sleep. The pain would slow me down a little sometimes."
"I have learned that progress and results take time and repetition. Your body works best when it’s able to function properly. My back is now bothering me less since being under chiropractic care. Since I’m not hurting as much, I feel less annoyed and stressed. I would tell others that chiropractic care has helped me after sometime. I feel better overall and it has helped me change some habits that were making things worse."
- Alexis

"For years, I had very bad migraines on a daily basis. Since being under chiropractic care, I have less headaches and I’m also sleeping better since the pain isn’t waking me up in the middle of the night anymore."
"I have learned that just because you don’t feel pain that doesn’t mean your not hurting your body. My husband and I enjoy getting adjusted together and then afterwards we go to dinner after as our date night! I would tell others that healing comes from the inside out and chiropractic makes you feel better instantly."
- Tammy
"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I had neck and low back pain. I had this condition for years. Sometimes I could barely work. I was usually in pain most of the week. I also had neck pain almost every morning.
I have learned that proper alignment eases pressure on nerve roots and relieves pain and aids in function.
I am virtually pain free in my lower back. Also, my neck pain is not daily now. I have less pain grooming my dogs and less inability to take care of my home and responsibilities."
- Gene
"I started coming to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I was unable to walk, move or sleep due to sciatica pain.
My sciatica was so bad when I was pregnant I could barely walk into the hospital to give birth to my daughter.
After being under chiropractic care, I can now walk 2-4 miles a day, can carry my child, squat down (even while holding her!), climb stairs and do all the things I physically was able to do prior to pregnancy.
I would tell others that Scoles does an evaluation first, does a great job with patient education and makes that a mandatory part of treatment (which I believe we should see more of in the medical field-take the time to explain the why)."
- Jenna
"When I first came to Scoles Family Chiropractic, I had very intense pain in my lower leg and my knee was swollen. Initially, the pain started a couple of years ago and then subsided for months. The pain returned in October and was so intense that I could not walk. I tried medications, rest, and ice to help, but nothing would ease the pain. The pain became so unbearable that I decided to try chiropractic though I was very hesitant about it.
After my first visit, I could walk to my car! After about the 8th visit, I was able to walk with ZERO PAIN! I can garden and walk now; both of which I haven’t been able to do in a long while! Chiropractic has improved and restored my quality of life! I’m healthier now than I was a year ago and am now pain free thanks to Scoles Family Chiropractic!"
- Patricia
"From the time our daughter, Laiken, was 3 years old, we visited the doctor an average of three times a month! Every time it was the same story, a runny nose that would turn into an ear infection. The pediatrician experimented with several types of allergy medicine, leaving her dazed.
My husband and I were very frustrated that our 3 year old was taking daily medicine and there was no end in sight. Both of our parents were chiropractic patients and talked to us about having Laiken checked by their chiropractors. We were nervous about having our child adjusted and neither one of us believed that it could help, but at that point our only options were daily medication or allergy shots. Neither of us liked those choices and we were very tired of watching our daughter suffer.
After talking with Dr. Jennifer about what was going on, we brought Laiken to have her evaluated and decided to give chiropractic a try. That same day, we took our 8-month-old son to the pediatrician for his third ear infection! So he started getting adjusted, too.
As a result of the findings on our kids, our whole family is adjusted on a weekly basis. Laiken, now 6 years old, does not take allergy medicine and we rarely have to visit the medical doctor! Landon, who is now 2, has only had one ear infection since he started receiving adjustments! Our family’s overall health has improved as a result of chiropractic care."
- The White Family
"For years I experienced neck and shoulder pain. The pain affected my ability to sleep, and created difficulty with certain physical activities. Since being under chiropractic care my neck and shoulder pain is significantly better. If I ever do have a flare up it goes away quickly with my regular adjustments. Because my pain has decreased, I am happier and better at handling life’s daily stress."
- Anonymous
"I have had lower back/sciatica pain on and off since high school. I’ve tried other treatments, but the most effective improvement came when I started going to Scoles Family Chiropractic. Dr. Andy and Dr. Jennifer spend time educating and improving the health of their patients. It took time to see improvement, but once I did, the difference was amazing. Another reason my family loves coming here is because my daughter used to have extreme chronic UTI’s. Since regular and consistent chiropractic care, the amount of UTI infections has significantly decreased, therefore improving my daughter’s quality of life. We can’t thank Scoles Family Chiropractic enough for how they have and are continuing to make a positive difference in our lives!"
- Christy
"I never thought I needed to visit a chiropractor. Sure, I had heartburn and migraines but that’s just part of getting older. My family first visited to help our daughter, who was suffering from chronic UTI’s. Treatments from her primary doctor and urologist just didn’t seem to be helping. After having regular adjustments, the quality of life for my whole family has improved.
My daughter has less UTI’s, my heartburn is a rare occurrence and migraines have virtually stopped. I’ve noticed that as a family, we’ve had fewer colds and sick days too. I’m a believer that anyone can benefit from regular visits to Scoles Family Chiropractic."
- Andy
"I came to Scoles Family Chiropractic because I was experiencing extreme lower back pain that would take my breath away. The constant pain would keep me agitated. I tried medications, which numbed the pain, but was a vicious cycle and I never got total relief.
I noticed changes in my back within the first month. Chiropractic care dramatically reduced my pain and allowed me to have normal function of my lower back again. I’m healthier than I was a year ago thanks to Scoles Family Chiropractic!"
- Robby
2:45pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:45pm - 6:00pm
2:45pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:45pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 10:45am
Scoles Family Chiropractic
7555 Oak Ridge Hwy
Knoxville, TN 37931